Angelina Jolie loves horses so much, she makes purses out of them

Publish date: 2024-06-17


This is funny/weird story. It originated at Women’s Wear Daily – apparently, Angelina Jolie’s stylist got her a pretty Akris horsehair bag, and before Angelina would deign to use it, she had her stylist check with the company to make sure the horses were being treated ethically. She was told that her bag is made of trimmed horse hair, not skinned or anything. Oh, and Akris makes purses made out of horse tails too! Ugh.

Before Angelina Jolie took her new Akris ecru horsehair handbag out on the town, her stylist called the Swiss-based luxury brand asking about the animals’ treatment.

“We told her horses get haircuts just like we do,” Akris designer Albert Kriemler said of the bag, which is made with hair from horse tails.

Apparently that answer was good enough for Jolie, who was recently spotted carrying a larger version of the bag, which retails for just less than $5,000.

[From WWD]

So, Angelina loves horses. But she still wears leather. But not fur! So, a net animal rights plus, I suppose. Sigh… you know what this old photos (circa 2001) remind me of? When Angelina was really cool. Dude, remember when Angie used to make out with horses? That bitch changed!


HuffPo has a photo of the purse – it’s pretty awesome, but I wouldn’t pay $5000 for it. Angelina has this is in white:


Angelina and her love of horses, courtesy of Google Images.
