Nicki Minaj confesses her suicidal thoughts in Cosmo
For the most part, I really do try to ignore Nicki Minaj. I don’t actively hate her or anything, I just think she’s trying to do her own spin on Lady Gaga’s crazy “living cartoon” shtick, and it’s a famewhore move which doesn’t inspire confidence in her “originality”. Plus, her voice kind of grates. Still, I have a passing interest in her, and I don’t think I’ve ever read any interview with her, so the quotes from her Cosmo interview (for the November issue) are interesting. Nicki talks about how she was in a very hard place just a few years ago, but things have gotten better now:
On her struggles a few years ago: “I kept having doors slammed in my face. I felt like nothing was working. I had moved out on my own, and here I was thinking I’d have to go home.”
She had suicidal thoughts: “It was just one dead end after another. At one point, I was, like, ‘What would happen if I just didn’t wake up?’ That’s how I felt. Like, ‘Maybe I should just take my life?'”
On where she sees herself in 5-10 years: “I’ll have hundreds of millions of dollars. I will have put out five albums and will have an Oscar and Grammys. And I will be getting married and, a couple of years after that, will have a bun in the oven. My whole life is about being Nicki Minaj now. It’s a never-ending saga.”
I don’t begrudge her the “suicidal thoughts” admission – that’s her experience, and I’ll buy that she actually did contemplate it and she really was in such a dark place (as opposed to her just saying a bunch of stuff now for attention). My only problem is that I do think Nicki should talk more about what got her out of her suicidal depression, what changed for her. Maybe she does and they just haven’t excerpted those parts yet. Still, it’s nice to hear her talk about the vulnerable, less cartoon-y part of her life with such brutal and uncomfortable honesty.
By the way, this is several days old, but I thought it was cute/uncomfortable. An 8-year-old who knows all of the words to Minaj‘s “Super Bass”. (Nicki has seen this video and she tweeted, “I HAVE to meet her. She’s a superstar!”).
Cover courtesy of Cosmo, additional pics by WENN.